Sr. Process Engineer

Resume posted by Consulting Positions in Engineering.
Desired position type: Any.
Location: Bangkok Bangkok, Thailand

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Sr. Process Engineer


    Spoken Languages

    • English - moderate,
    • Thai – mother tongue


    May 2006: Master of Science, Telecommunications
    Institution: School of Engineering and Technology, AIT
    Thesis topic: Multiple Transmitters for Performance Improvement of Downlink Indoor Optical Wireless
    Communications through Dispersive Channels
    G.P.A.: 3.4

    2004: Bachelor of Science, Physics
    Institution: Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
    G.P.A: 3.71 (1st class honor)


    *2011 – present: Sr. Process Engineer and one of transferred product team from US for Wavelength Selective Switch product
    at Fabrinet.

    *June 2006 – 2011: Process Engineer for Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier product at Fabrinet.


    • May 2008:  Green belt project owner: First Prime Yield Improvement for Model 886
    • Dec 2007:  Green belt project owner: First Prime Yield Improvement for Model 490
    • Sep 2007:  Green belt project owner: Absorption Reading Rejected Rate Reduction at KGC
    • 2003-2008: Physics tutor
    • 2002-2004: Programmer(Visual Basic) at 3GIG company
    • 2001-2003: Staff in open house of Mahidol University
    • Nov 2003:  Study visit to U.S. for 15 days organized by the Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Thailand

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